All Ministries

Eucharistic Adoration is simply our response to Jesus' love for us, whereby each of us is willing to spend a quiet holy hour of prayer in His Eucharistic Presence once a week on a regular basis.  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on First Fridays after morning Mass until noon.  Please join us.

Altar Server
The role of Altar Server is a privileged ministry of boys or girls who are regular parishioners and who have received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and are continuing their formation through our Religious Education Program. Altar Servers prepare the altar for Mass and assist the Priest during weekend Masses, Holy Day Masses, Funerals and Weddings.

Art & Environment Committee
Interested in design or decorating? The Art & Environment Committee needs your help in decorating the worship environment in our church with each passing liturgical season. We welcome your creative ideas, your talents, and your service to enhance the worship experience during any given liturgical season.

Baptismal Garments
Makes stoles for the infants who are baptized at Blessed Sacrament. Volunteers are needed who have a little spare time to make these garments and can sew a simple straight seam and embroider by hand or by machine. Instructions are provided.

Bereavement Ministry
Have you lost a loved one? In the Order of Christian Funerals, the church asks that the entire community be involved in ministering to the family of the deceased. If you have a gift of compassion, consider involvement in this ministry.

Bible Study
Various studies are offered each year. Click here for more information!

Blessed Sacrament Community Food Pantry
We are SO grateful for all the generosity that has allowed us to bless our community over the years through our Food Pantry.  We have become aware that traditional food pantry needs are being met through Hope Center and other community resources - while Head Start and Groveland Elementary are in GREAT need of kid-friendly food that requires no (or very minimal) preparation.  So, we are asking you to PLEASE continue donating, but only from the following list:  Oatmeal (individual servings), Macaroni and Cheese, Tuna, Peanut Butter (individual servings), Ramen Noodles, Vienna Sausages, various snacks, Beef A Roni (individual containers), individual and full size boxes of cereal, juice boxes and chef boyrdee. Additionally, we are being asked to provide for the pregnancy center:  newborn and size 1 diapers and baby wipes.  PLEASE remember that we do not have a thrift store and cannot accept used clothing, toys, housewares, etc.  THANK YOU for all of your support as we work to make a TRUE IMPACT in our community!

Book Club
Each month the members select a book to read throughout the month. We meet on the last Tuesday of the month to discuss the book and select another book. 

Breaking Bread
Breaking Bread is group of volunteers that serve the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community through the preparation and presentation of food for church sponsored events such as retreats, conferences, the occasional family gathering after a funeral, and the annual volunteer appreciation dinner. No previous food handling experience is necessary. Join our group as we are happy to share our passion for food, talents and experience in the kitchen with each other in a fun environment. We are focused on providing delicious meals, while practicing all food safety and sanitation guidelines.

Cantor Program
The Cantor Ministry is designed to help lead our congregation in prayer through song. This group meets at various times throughout the year to rehearse music for the upcoming liturgical season, and follows a rotating schedule, which is carefully balanced to meet the needs for weekend Masses and special liturgy celebrations.

Catholic Schoolhouse
Are you looking for a Catholic homeschool group? The West Orlando chapter of Catholic Schoolhouse is a structured program that meets weekly for homeschoolers. Our chapter days include: chorus, classroom time with peers, hands-on science activities, art projects, and opportunities for socializing all while seeking that which is True, Good, and Beautiful. For more information about this homeschool program, please contact Rachel Furlong at

Centering Prayer
Prayer is a loving exchange with God. When we learn to receive the gift of Gods presence, through loving silence, we are able to develop our personal relationship with Him. One way to receive this gift is through centering prayer, traditionally known as contemplative prayer. This type of prayer enables us to rest in God, leading to a more intimate relationship with Him.

Our support group meets for a period of Silent Centering Prayer, followed by Lectio Divina. the reading and meditation on the Gospel, sharing and book study. Past book readings have included Thomas Merton New Seeds of contemplation, Jean- Pierre De Caussade Sacrament of the Present Moment, and the Cloud of Unknowing. We are currently reading Thomas Keating Intimacy with God.

Children’s Choir
Children's Choir is open to all students in grades K-8, and is an opportunity for children to serve our church through song. Children's Choir sings once a month at the Sunday noon Mass throughout the year, including Christmas Eve and Palm Sunday Masses, and also sings at special events throughout the community.

Contemporary Ensemble
Contemporary Ensemble, for both vocalists and instrumentalists, prepares a variety of music from traditional to contemporary and leads the assembly at the 5:00PM liturgy each Sunday. Accompanied by piano and other instrumentalists, the ensemble explores music with a more contemporary style, while preserving the integrity and meaning of traditional music and scripture. Membership in the ensemble is open to all interested vocalists and instrumentalists of at least High School age, and by individual audition

Council of Catholic Women - Click here for more information!
The Blessed Sacrament Council of Catholic Women (BSCCW) was established to support the parish community, and empower and educate Catholic women in leadership, spirituality and service. Meetings offer an opportunity to enjoy fellowship, where friendships can grow and be strengthened while working on leadership, service and spirituality activities.

We serve to assist our pastor in spiritual and material undertakings and to be of service to our parish and community through charitable works and fund-raising activities. The Council sponsors a seminarian, participates in the World Day of Prayer, and is a member of the People of Faith, an organization of women and men from local Christian churches. Besides supporting our community, we also support our mission church in Uganda and the JMJ Pregnancy Center. Through our Mary’s Handmaidens Circle we provide handmade clothing, blankets, prayer shawls, and various other items as needed to Lake Hills School, Head Start, JMJ and other organizations.

As an organization, the BSCCW collaborates with Northern Deanery CCW, Orlando Diocese CCW, Florida CCW, National CCW, and Catholic Charities through conferences, conventions, state programs, and leadership workshops.

General membership meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, September through May, at 11 am in the Social Hall. We also have an Evening Circle which meets on the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall. All Catholic women are invited to join.
Ministry Contact: Linda Lauletta, President; Diane McCue, Secretary; and Mary Alice Hernandez, Treasurer.

Divine Mercy Cenacle Prayer
A universal feast of the church, Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter. At Mass, receive the promise Jesus gave to St. Faustina for those who receive Holy Communion on this day. The soul that will go to confession (during Lent) and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sin and punishment. (Diary 699) .

The Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy Cenacle Prayer Circle study the messages and promises given to St. Faustina by Jesus.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
This is a ministry for adults and confirmed young adults, and is an opportunity to share your faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ through the act of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ.

Finance Committee
The Parish Finance Committee serves as an advisory body to the pastor and the Parish Pastoral Council in the administration and stewardship of parish finances, budget, parish facilities, and long-range financial development. Mandated by canon law, parish finance councils, like parish pastoral councils, are consultative bodies:

Each parish is to have a Finance Council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods. (Canon 537)

Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the pastor on the basis of their expertise in matters related to accounting and finance, investment management, fundraising/development, budget, engineering, and law. The three-to-five-member Finance Council receives support and guidance from the diocesan Department of Finance.

The Parish Finance Committee and the Parish Pastoral Council function interdependently; it is essential that they communicate with one another in furthering the parish mission.

Garden of Blessing Charismatic Group
Come join us in praise and worship to our Lord Jesus. Come and see how the Holy Spirit guides your life.

Gift Shop
The Blessed Sacrament and Santo Toribio Romo Religious Gift Shops are located in the Narthex of our Churches and are open before and after weekend Masses.

GriefShare - Click here for more information or to register!
A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

Instrumentalists add beauty and color to our music ministry. If you play an instrument and are interested in joining mass celebrations, please contact the Music Office for an audition. Aside from special liturgy celebrations, instrumentalists traditionally participate in the Contemporary Ensemble.

Jesus amigo que da Vida 
El grupo de oracion "Jesus amigo que da Vida "te invita para orar y compartir la presencia viva de Jesús resucitado en el gozo de la alabanza, la lectura y proclamación de la Palabra de Dios mediante la acción del Espíritu Santo y el ejercicio de Los dones y carismas. Todos los Lunes 7pm en el Salon Social. Ven Jesus te espera! 

Knights of Columbus - Click here for more information!
The Knights of Columbus are an international Catholic men’s fraternal organization.  Only practical Catholic men, in good standing with the Catholic Church, 18 years and older can join.   We are dedicated to corporal works of mercy in the service of God and our neighbor.

The Blessed Sacrament Council works to follow the example of our founder Father Michael J. McGivney who started the order to provide for the widows and orphans of it’s members.  Our primary function aside from supporting the Church and defending our faith is raising money and providing services to aid other needs in our community.  Some of those functions and needs are:

Backpack Program – financial & knight power
Lake Hill School for the Handicapped – financial & handicapped wheelchairs
Building Block Ministry – financial and bingo for the handicapped clients
Baby Bottle Boomerang – financial for the JMJ Pregnancy Support Center
Cornerstone Hospice House – financial
Greater Clermont Cancer Foundation – financial
Morning Star – financial
Special Olympics – financial
Thanksgiving Dinner for those in need cooked and served by Knights
Provided Thanksgiving meals to Santo Toribio Roma Mission and Lake Hill School
Lenten meal for parishioners
Financial and physical support for parish projects
Catholic gifts (bibles, etc.) for the children receiving sacraments
Families in need
Many Knights serve as Pastoral Lay Ministers in support of the Church
Lead a Family Rosary service prior to our meetings each month.

Our principals are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.  Most men who join remain members for life.  If you are interested in serving your church and community, please join us!

Our Library is located in the main BSCC church building next to the Gift Shop. We are open 30 minutes before and after the weekend Masses. We have thousands of Catholic books and videos for adults, teens, and children and a small amount of books in Spanish. Everyone is welcome to browse and check out items to be returned in upon completion. 

Men’s Club
The Men’s Club was founded over 20 years ago to provide parish men with a meaningful organization in which to belong and participate. The goal is to organize, provide fellowship and to help the Parish in its endeavors to spread the word of God by volunteering time and talent when needed.

Men's Club members can be seen volunteering as they serve as Pastoral Lay Ministers including, Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers), Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EM’s), Outward Sign and Breaking Bread.

The primary source of income is the Pancake Breakfast which is held the first Sunday of the Month after the 8 AM and 10 AM Mass in the Social Hall. The Men's Club also hosts a Saint Patrick Dinner and a Polish Dinner, all of which are open to the Blessed Sacrament Community.

The money raised goes to assist the following organizations and groups:  American Legion, Coats for Kids, Father Ponce (Uganda), Financial aid for the church organ, Jesus, Mary and Joseph/Pro Life, Lake Hills School (Blankets), Outward Sign, Saint Theresa Circle, Seminarians, Turkeys (with Knights of Columbus), U.S.O., Young Adult Ministry

The Men’s Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Ministry Building.  All Men of the parish 21 years of age and older are welcome to join our ranks. If you’d like to be a member or wish to learn more about us, please feel free to stop by one of our meetings or call the Parish Office for more information.

Minister of Hospitality
The Ministers of Hospitality have a special role at every parish liturgy, supported by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In their welcoming and Christ-like attitude, ministers of hospitality ensure that the faithful see and experience the love of Christ.

Ministry to the Sick
This ministry is comprised of caring and prayerful parishioners, committed to bringing the Body of Christ and the Word of God to those unable to join their faith community at the Table of the Lord. They visit local nursing homes, assisted living centers, the hospital, homes of the sick and shut-in, and the Mike Conley Hospice House by scheduled weekly arrangement.

Moms Ministry - Click here for more Information!
BSCC Moms is a group of Moms looking for fellowship and to grow in their faith. All Moms and children of all ages are welcome. Come join us for weekly Mom meetups, Playdates, and Family Picnics!

Prayer Line
If you can use a telephone, then you can serve on the praise and petition prayer line. This ministry provides a network of support for anyone who is in need of prayers or who wants to offer thanksgiving for prayers answered.

Prison Ministry
The Prison Ministry goes to the Lake Correctional Facility in Clermont every Tuesday to minister to the inmates. RCIA preparations are given to those who wish to receive the sacraments or want to become a Catholic. Spiritual guidance and counseling are also given. We fulfill what Jesus said in the Beatitudes: I was in prison and you visited me.

A reader spreads the Good News and gives witness to the central role of the Word of God in the life of the church.

Resurrection Choir
Resurrection Choir is comprised of volunteer men and women who want to share their musical talents by providing beautiful music for families who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This ensemble sings at funerals and rehearses as needed Membership in the ensemble is open to all interested vocalists beyond High School, and by audition for section/part placement at the discretion of the ensemble director.

Sanctuary Choir
Sanctuary Choir is comprised of volunteer members who give of their time and talents to glorify God through the ministry of music. This choir traditionally sings at the 10:00AM Mass on Sundays and at other Holy Days and special events throughout the liturgical year. Membership in the ensemble is open to all interested vocalists beyond High School.

Schola Cantorum
Schola Cantorum is a small ensemble of vocalists, which explores musical works of many genres within non-secular music. Schola sings regularly at the Sunday 12:00PM mass, and at other special liturgies throughout the liturgical year. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings from 6:00PM-7:15PM.

Spanish Choir
Spanish Choir joyfully leads our Spanish liturgies in traditional and contemporary music from various Hispanic cultures. They sing at the Saturday 6:00PM mass, and rehearse weekly in the chapel.

St. Thérése Circle
Motivated by the life of St. Thérése of the Child Jesus, St. Thérése Circle women are dedicated to making a difference in our parish community through our Small Acts of Love that make a big difference. The Giving Angel Christmas Tree and Rosary Making Ministry are two of the service activities for St. Thérése Circle. We find our mission through scripture; 2 Corinthians 5:14, For the love of Christ impels us!

This womens group is ideally designed for the women of our parish who can meet once a month in the evening. Activities and meetings offer spiritual enrichment, fellowship and service. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm from September through May.

Welcome Committee
“I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.” In Matthew 25:35, we are reminded that as followers of Jesus, we have a choice.  We can respond to life’s worries with fear or follow Jesus with love and hope. The Welcome Committee invites new and newly returning members to our Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church community to follow Him as brothers and sisters in Christ.  Our focus is on extending a sincere welcome to all to love one another as Christ loves us, in the glory of God.  Our ministry provides new and newly returning parishioners information about ways to get involved in Church ministries, activities, and volunteer opportunities.  Volunteer members meet throughout the year to plan welcome events for those interested in learning more.  We hope you join us.

Women’s Welcome Retreat
The Women’s Welcome Retreat is a special opportunity for women of the parish. It’s an incredible experience that will help you discover what’s missing in your life and what to do about it. Whether you want to connect with other women, improve your prayer life, or just take a break from the craziness of your everyday, you will find what you are looking for—and more.  This 2-day retreat takes place on our campus and is held annually, on the first weekend of March. Registration in advance is required. For more information email: