Liturgical and Music Ministries

Liturgy at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community is an experience of true community. Our Masses are opportunities to come together as one and recognize that God's love is with us and within us. Our liturgies are enhanced by the talents and gifts of many people - including those who welcome us, who lead us in song, and who join us in prayer.  Our ministers help us encounter His true presence.  Each one makes a true impact.


Please click each link below to familiarize yourself with our new Mass Settings.


Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior)

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia


When We Eat This Bread

Great Amen

Lamb of God


Lector / Reader
A lector / reader proclaims the Good News and gives witness to the central role of the Word of God in the life of the church.

Minister of Hospitality
The Ministers of Hospitality have a welcoming and Christ-like attitude, ministers of hospitality ensure that the faithful see and experience the love of Christ.  They welcome people to worship, tend to their needs, gather gifts during the collection, and bid them farewell at the conclusion of the liturgy.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
This is a ministry for adults and confirmed young adults, and is an opportunity to share your faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ through the act of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound
This ministry is mandated within the Diocese of Orlando to provide the sick and homebound with the care and concern of their faith community by having a minister be present to listen, pray and bring the Eucharist since they are unable to be present at Mass.  It is a way to keep the sick and homebound connected with their faith community.  Requirements: a current EMHC Mandate, Diocesan training workshop, Safe Environment Training and fingerprinting, training from a current EMHC S&H trainer and continuing on-going formation.

Altar Server
The role of Altar Server is a privileged ministry of boys or girls who are regular parishioners and who have received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and are continuing their formation through our Religious Education Program. Altar Servers prepare the altar for Mass and assist the Priest during weekend Masses, Holy Day Masses, Funerals and Weddings.

Art & Environment Committee
Interested in design or decorating? The Art & Environment Committee needs your help in decorating the worship environment in our church with each passing liturgical season. We welcome your creative ideas, your talents, and your service to enhance the worship experience during any given liturgical season.


Cantor Program
The Cantor Ministry is designed to help lead our congregation in prayer through song. This group meets at various times throughout the year to rehearse music for the upcoming liturgical season, and follows a rotating schedule, which is carefully balanced to meet the needs for weekend Masses and special liturgy celebrations.

Children’s Choir - Click here for more information!
Children's Choir is open to all students in grades 1-10 and is an opportunity for children to serve our church through song. Children's Choir sings once a month at the Sunday noon Mass throughout the year, including Christmas Eve and Palm Sunday Masses, and sings at special events throughout the community.

Instrumentalists add beauty and color to our music ministry. If you play an instrument and are interested in joining mass celebrations, please contact the Music Office for an audition or click the link above.

Resurrection Choir
Resurrection Choir is comprised of volunteer men and women who want to share their musical talents by providing beautiful music for families who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This ensemble sings at funerals and rehearses as needed. Membership in the ensemble is open to all interested vocalists beyond High School, and by audition for section/part placement at the discretion of the ensemble director.

Sanctuary Choir
Sanctuary Choir is comprised of volunteer members who give of their time and talents to glorify God through the ministry of music. This choir traditionally sings at the 10:00AM Mass on Sundays and at other Holy Days and special events throughout the liturgical year. Membership in the ensemble is open to all interested vocalists.

Schola Cantorum
Schola Cantorum is a small ensemble of vocalists, which explores musical works of many genres. Schola sings regularly at the Sunday 12:00PM Mass, and at other special liturgies throughout the liturgical year. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed.

Spanish Choir
Spanish Choir joyfully leads our Spanish liturgies in traditional and contemporary music from various Hispanic cultures. They sing at the Saturday 6:00PM Mass and rehearse weekly in the church.


Email Anthony Ransom, Director of Liturgy & Music