Pro-Life Resources

Nationwide Invitation to Prayer
Invitación Nacional a la Oración

On March 26, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in a case that has the potential to make a major impact in the widespread accessibility of chemical abortion (abortion pills). Chemical abortions are now the most common form of abortion in the United States. Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities have announced a nationwide invitation to prayer from now through June 2024, when the court’s decision is expected. We ask Catholics to offer this prayer daily:

Dearest St. Joseph, at the word of an angel, you lovingly took Mary into your home. As God’s humble servant, you guided the Holy Family on the road to Bethlehem, welcomed Jesus as your own son in the shelter of a manger, and fled far from your homeland for the safety of both Mother and Child. We praise God that as their faithful protector, you never hesitated to sacrifice for those entrusted to you. May your example inspire us also to welcome, cherish, and safeguard God’s most precious gift of life. Help us to faithfully commit ourselves to the service and defense of human life —especially where it is vulnerable or threatened. Obtain for us the grace to do the will of God in all things. Amen.

El 26 de marzo, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos escuchará argumentos orales en un caso que tiene el potencial de tener un gran impacto en la acceso a gran escala del aborto químico (píldoras abortivas). Los abortos químicos son ahora la forma más común de aborto en los Estados Unidos. El Reverendo Timothy P. Broglio de la Arquidiócesis de Servicios Militares de EE. UU. (Archdiocese for the Military Services) y presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de EE. UU. (USCCB), y el Obispo Michael F. Burbidge de Arlington, presidente del Comité de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB, han anunciado una invitación a la oración a nivel nacional a partir del 25 de marzo (víspera de los alegatos orales), hasta junio de 2024, cuando se espera la decisión del tribunal. Pedimos a los católicos que ofrezcan esta oración diariamente:

Queridísimo San José, por palabra de un ángel, amorosamente acogiste a María en tu casa. Como de Dios humilde servidor, guiaste a la Sagrada Familia en el camino a Belén, acogiste a Jesús como a tu propio hijo en el refugio de un pesebre y huiste lejos de tu patria por la seguridad de la Madre y del Niño. Alabamos a Dios porque, como su fiel protector, nunca dudaste en sacrificarte por aquellos que te fueron confiados. Que tu ejemplo nos inspire también a acoger, valorar y salvaguardar el regalo más precioso de Dios: la vida. Ayúdanos a comprometernos fielmente al servicio y la defensa de la vida humana, especialmente cuando es vulnerable o está amenazada. Obtén para nosotros la gracia de hacer la voluntad de Dios en todas las cosas. Amén.

Vote No on Amendment 4

Florida Amendment 4, which will appear on Florida’s November 2024 ballot, is an extreme proposal that legalizes full-term abortion with no protections for the preborn child, including when the child is capable of feeling pain. This proposed amendment to our state constitution would prohibit all restrictions on abortion before viability and create a broad exception that any healthcare provider could exploit to allow abortion up to birth.

Click here to read the Bishops' Full Statement in English

Click here to read the Bishops' Full Statement in Spanish

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